AE.VA.B.CX.1.4: Interpret art in terms of cultural and ethnic context.
Q2 What projects or units did you enjoy? What would you add or take away to make the class a better learning experience?
Follow these steps to plan and create your own project.
1. Start by picking an idea. Decide on the theme, process and media you plan on working with. 2. Plan. Complete at least 3 design activities from the list. Make sure to keep evidence of planning and research activities for your blog. - Find and print resource images. - Use Pinterest to research. - Sketch - Experiment - Brainstorm - Mindmap 3. Create work. 4. Reflect. In this unit, part 1, you will work in a group to research and present about an artistic style, period or movement.
presentation In part 2 you will select one of the styles, periods or movements from a presentation and make art that is related to that style. Grading Rubric 1. What is your artwork about? Summarize how you chose to interpret the theme of identity. (answer in paragraph form). - 30 points.
2. How did you plan? Show images of each of the three planning activities you completed. Include captions for each photo. - 20 points 3. How did you use media (art supplies), images and or text communicate (write about the identity project or your illustration)?. How effective is the work you produced? - 40 points Include an image of your final artwork for both illustration and identity. (answer in paragraph form) Craftsmanship, effort and usage of time - 10 points 100 points total For this lesson you will pick a text - book, poem or song, even lines from a script - and illustrate it. We'll also focus on process. Follow the steps below and save all your work for posting on your blog.
1. Pick text 2. Plan - choose at least 2 of these planning activities. - Find and print resource images. - Use Pinterest to research. - Sketch - Experiment My slideshow. For this project you will make your own stop motion film.
1. First do some research. Make a Pinterest board and watch and pin at least 10 examples of stop motion. Look on Pinterest or This is Colossal for examples. my board 2. Next plan. Come up with an idea, list supplies and storyboard content. 3. Download the Stop Motion app and try it out. 4. Start filming. Films should be between 1 and 3 minutes. 5. Make sure to add music. For this project you will work with clay (pinch or slab construction) or carve and print a linoleum block.
My presentation. Please answer the following questions. Include at least two photos with your post.
- How has your thinking about working with limitations changed during this unit? - What limitation did you pick to work with for your final project? Why did you select it and were you happy with how your work turned out? 1. What did you learn about observation and how to use it in your art during this unit? (minimum of 6 sentences and 2 photos)
2. How did you use your own ideas/ new learning to make your work for this unit's project? (minimum of 3 sentences and 1 photo) email to [email protected] For your first blog post you will write about what you learned in Unit 1 and post photos of your work. See the blog writing rubric for specifics on the level of writing I require. Remember to type your text in another document, like word or notes, then copy and paste it to your blog. Directions for Posting 1. Log on to Weebly 2. Select "edit" 3. Select "new post" 4. Click and drag to add text and photos, making sure to save work if you need to finish it later. 5. When you finish select "post" 6. Next select "publish" 7. Email me the link to your site (found under "my sites") at [email protected] Blog QuestionsPlease write at least three sentences for each question and post a photo of your work.
1. How have your artistic skills grown during the first few weeks of art? (you may want to use a before and after photo from our drawing boot camp here) 2. How has your thinking about what makes art original changed during this unit? 3. What successes or challenges have you had while working on this unit? |
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